The first 8 Books are done.

I. Two Sermons

Advertisement respecting the First Sermon
Sermon 1 God glorified in Man's Dependence
Sermon 2 Sinners in the Hands of an angry God.

II. Five Sermons. On Different Occasions

Sermon 1 A Divine and Supernatural Light
Sermon 2 The Church's Marriage
Sermon 3 True Saints
Sermon 4 God's Awful Judgment
Sermon 5 True Grace

III. Fifteen Sermons. On Various Subjects

Sermon 1 Manner of Salvation of Souls
Sermon 2 The Unreasonableness Of Indetermination In Religion
Sermon 3 Unbelievers Contemn The Glory And Excellency Of Christ
Sermon 4 The Folly Of Looking Back In Fleeing Out Of Sodom
Sermon 5 The Folly Of Looking Back In Fleeing Out Of Sodom.
Sermon 6 The Warnings Of Scripture Are In The Best Manner Adapted To The Awakening And Conversion Of Sinners
Sermon 7 Hypocrites Deficient In The Duty Of Prayer
Sermon 8 Hypocrites Deficient In The Duty Of Prayer.
Sermon 9 The Future Punishment Of The Wicked Unavoidable And Intolerable.
Sermon 10 The Future Punishment Of The Wicked Unavoidable And Intolerable.
Sermon 11 The Eternity Of Hell Torments.
Sermon 12 The Peace Which Christ Gives His True Followers.
Sermon 13 The Perpetuity And Change Of The Sabbath.
Sermon 14 The Perpetuity And Change Of The Sabbath.
Sermon 15 The Perpetuity And Change Of The Sabbath.

IV.Seven Sermons. On Important Subjects

Sermon 1 The Best Portion
Sermon 2 Divine Sovereignty
Sermon 3 Pardon for the greatest Sinners
Sermon 4 The Prayer-Hearing God
Sermon 5 The Nature and End of Excommunication
Sermon 6 Wrath upon the Wicked to the uttermost
Sermon 7 The Wicked useful in their Distruction only

V. Miscellaneous Discourses

Men Naturally God's Enemies
Section 1 In what respects, enemies
Section 2 The degree of natural enmity
Section 3 Why enemies to God
Section 4 That natural men are unconscious of enmity, answered
Section 5 That they show respect to God, answered
Section 6 Restraining grace a privilege
Section 7 Why unwilling to come to Christ
Section 8 Mercy, justly withheld
Section 9 Practical improvement
The Wisdom Of God Displayed In The Way Of Salvation
Section 1 Wonderful things done
Section 2 God greatly glorified
Section 3 The good attained wonderfully various
Section 4 Angels benefit by salvation
Section 5 Wonderful glory redounds to God
Section 6 The manner of obtaining salvation
Section 7 The overthrow of Satan
Section 8 Superiority of this wisdom to that of angels
Section 9 The subject improved
Section 10 The misery of unbelievers
Section 11 Exhortation to come to Christ
Christian Knowledge
Section 1 What is intended by divinity, as the object of this knowledge
Section 2 What kind of knowledge in divinity is intended in the doctrine
Section 3 The usefulness and necessity of the knowledge of divine truth
Section 4 Why all Christians should make a business of endeavouring to grow in the knowledge of divinity
Section 5 An exhortation that all may diligently endeavour to gain christian knowledge
Section 6 Directions for the acquisition of christian knowledge
Christian Charity
Section 1 The words explained
Section 2 Of the obligations of Christians to perform the duty of charity to the poor
Section 3 An exhortation to the duty of charity to the poor
Section 4 Objections which are sometimes made to the exercises of charity answered
Christian Cautions
Section 1 The necessity of self-examination
Section 2 Why many living in sin, know it not
Section 3 Directions for self-examination
Section 4 Examination about the Lord's day, etc...
Section 5 Examination about secret sins, etc....
Section 6 Our temper of mind, etc.... towards our neighbour
Section 7 Our charity, etc.... towards our neighbour
Section 8 Self-examination respecting our families
Section 9 Awakening considerations
A Warning To Professors
Section 1 The ordinances of God are holy
Section 2 Ordinances, by whom profaned
Section 3 A call to self-examination
Section 4 Address to profaners of ordinances
The Final Judgment
Section 1 God is the supreme judge
Section 2 Publicity of final judgment
Section 3 Jesus will be the judge
Section 4 Christ's coming, the resurrection, etc....
Section 5 All will be done in righteousness
Section 6 Immediate consequences of judgment
Section 7 The uses of this doctrine
Sinners In Zion Tenderly Warned
Section 1 Who are sinners in Zion
Section 2 How fearfulness will surprise them
Section 3 -
Section 4 -
Section 5 An earnest exhortation to sinners
The End Of The Wicked Contemplated By The Righteous
Section 1 Saints not grieved, etc....
Section 2 Why the sufferings of the wicked, etc....
Section 3 An objection answered
Section 4 The ungodly warned
Christ Exalted
Section 1 How evil of all kinds has prevailed and highly exalted itself in the world
Section 2 How Jesus Christ, in the work of redemption, appears gloriously above all these evils
Section 3 The subject improved and applied
Section 1 Sinners flatter themselves with the hope of impunity
Section 2 Some of the various ways wherein sinners flatter themselves in their own eyes
Section 3 The subject applied
Dishonesty: Or The Sin Of Theft And Injustice
Section 1 The dishonesty of withholding what is our neighbour's
Section 2 The dishonesty of unjustly taking a neighbour's property
Section 3 Dishonest excuses
Section 4 The subject applied-The dishonest warned
Section 5 An exhortation to honesty
Temptation And Deliverance
Section 1 Why we should avoid what tends to sin
Section 2 What things lead and expose to sin
Section 3 A serious warning to all, and especially young people
The Preciousness Of Time
Section 1 Why time is precious
Section 2 Reflections on time past
Section 3 Who are chiefly deserving of reproof from the subject of the preciousness of time
Section 4 An exhortation to improve time
Section 5 Advice respecting the improvement of time
Section 1 Needful precautions
Section 2 The precept explained
Section 3 When men act as though they depend on another day
Section 4 Why we ought not to boast of to-morrow
Section 5 Serious inquiries
Section 6 How to spend every day
The Christian Pilgrim
Section 1 That this life ought to be so spent by us
Section 2 Why the Christian's life is a journey, or pilgrimage
Section 3 Instruction afforded by the consideration, that life is a journey, or pilgrimage
Section 4 An exhortation, so to spend the present life, that it may only be a journey towards heaven
Man's Natural Blindness In Religion
Section 1 Introductory observations
Section 2 From men's open profession
Section 3 From men's experience and practice
Section 4 Practical inferences and applications
Section 5 Address to sinners

VI. Distinguishing Marks Of A Work Of The Spirit Of God

Mr. Cooper's Preface.
Section 1 Negative signs of a spiritual work
Section 2 Positive signs
Section 3 Practical inferences and application

VII. An Humble Attempt To Promote Explicit Agreement

Preface by a former English editor
Preface by the American editors
Part 1 The Text opened, and in Account of the Affair proposed
Part 2 Motives to Compliance with what is proposed
Part 3 Objections answered

VIII. Life And Diary Of The Rev. David Brainerd

Part 1 From his birth to the time when he began to study for the ministry
Part 2 From his beginning to study, till his being examined and licensed to preach
Part 3 From his being licensed to preach, till he was appointed Missionary to the Indians
Part 4 From his appointment, to his entrance on the mission at Kaunaumeek
Part 5 From his beginning to instruct the Indians, to his ordination
Part 6 From his ordination, till he began to preach to the Indians at Crossweeksung, where he had his most remarkable success
Part 7 Return from his last journey to Susquehannah in a consumption, whereof he died
Part 8 From his return to Susquehannah, till his death
Mr. Brainerd's Journal, In Two Parts
Part 1 The Rise and Progress of a remarkable Work of grace, etc.... From A.D. 1745, June 19 to Nov. 4, at Crossweeksung and Forks of Delaware
Part 2 From A. D. 1745, Nov. 24, to June 19, 1746, do.
First Appendix
Section 1 The doctrine preached to the Indians
Section 2 Morality, sobriety, and external duties promoted by preaching Christ crucified
Section 3 Continuance, renewal, and quickness of the work
Section 4 But little appearance of false religion
Second Appendix
Section 1 His method of learning the Indian language
Section 2 His method of instructing the Indians
Section 3 Difficulties attending the christianizing of the Indians
Section 4 Second difficulty, To convey divine truths to their understanding, and to gain their assent
Section 5 Third difficulty.
Section 6 Fourth difficulty, The designs of evil-minded persons to hinder the work
Section 7 Attestations of divine grace displayed among the Indians
Third Appendix
--Containing his brief account of the endeavours used by the Missionaries of the Society in Scotland, for propagating Christian Knowledge, to introduce the Gospel among the Indians, on the borders of New York. etc.... in a Letter tothe Reverend Mr. Ebenezer Pemberton
Mr. Brainerd's Remains
1 Letter to his brother John, then a student
2 Letter to his brother John, then a student
3 Letter to his brother Israel
4 Letter to a special friend
5 Letter to a minister of the Gospel
6 Letter to his brother John
7 Letter to Israel
8 Letter to Israel
9 Letter to a young gentleman, a candidate for the ministry
10 Letter to his brother John, at Bethel
Detached Papers
1 Scheme of a Dialogue in the Godly Soul
2 Thoughts of a Soul under Conviction
3 Some signs of Godliness
A Sermon preached in Newark at the Ordination of Mr. David Brainerd, by E. Pemberton, A. M.
Reflections and Observations

IX. Miscellaneous Observations On Important Theologica

Part 1 Observations on the Facts & Evidences of Christianity, & the Objections of Infidels
Part 2 Observations concerning the Mysteries of Scripture
Part 3 Observations Concerning The Divinity Of Christ And The Doctrine Of The Trinity.

X. Remarks On Important Theological Controversies

Chapter 1 Of God's Moral Government
Chapter 2 Of Endless Punishment
Chapter 3 Concerning the Divine Decrees
Chapter 4 Concerning Efficacious Grace
Chapter 5 Of Satisfaction for Sin
Chapter 6 Concerning Faith
Chapter 7 Of the Perseverance of Saints

XI. Miscellaneous Observations

1 Angels
2 Fall of the Angels
3 The Devil
4 Confirmation of the Angels
5 Heaven

XII. Types Of The Messiah

Types Of The Messiah

XIII. Notes On The Bible

Leviticus to Deuteronomy
Judges to Second Chronicles
Proverbs to Canticles
Minor Prophets
1-2 Corinthians
Galatians to Second Timothy
Hebrews to Revelation

XIV. Seventeen Occasional Sermons

Sermon 1 Natural Men in a dreadful Condition
Sermon 2 God makes Men sensible of their Misery before he reveals his Mercy and Love
Sermon 3 Hope and Comfort usually follow genuine Humiliation and Repentance
Sermon 4 God's Sovereignty in the Salvation of Men
Sermon 5 The Character of Paul an Example t
Sermon 6 Christ's Agony
Sermon 7 The Portion of the Wicked
Sermon 8 The Portion of the Righteous
Sermon 9 The Pure in Heart blessed
Sermon 10 Praise, one of the chief Employments of Heaven
Sermon 11 Wicked Men inconsistent with themselves
Sermon 12 Safety, Fullness, and sweet Refreshment, to be found in Christ
Sermon 13 Christians a chosen Generation, a royal Priesthood, a holy Nation, a peculiar People
Sermon 14 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever
Sermon 15 The true Excellency of a gospel minister
Sermon 16 Christ the Example of ministers
Sermon 17 The Sorrows of the Bereaved spread before Jesus